Recent content by Zombietaz

  1. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    Haha it's easily missed! Glad the technique is helpful. Protip - if you do this outdoors, make sure you can see where the flame is or you can end with your TA3 going grey up top like mine 😂
  2. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    Not sure if you've had better luck since, but I have found, for me at least, is to heat using the Blazer Big Shot on a lower flame (so the torch is just barely on, not at full bore) just above the inner blue flame, for about 36 seconds while rotating. See if that works for you!
  3. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    I'm not sure mine did, or if they did I seem to have misplaced them 🤦 Anyone know the size or where to get a thicker set? Edit: picked it up from vgoodiez alongside the magsink as both are back in stock. Crisis (hopefully) averted!
  4. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    Need some advice - just got my dovetail stem, but the TA3 is way too loose in it and just slides out with gravity. How do I fix this? I'm assuming I may need different or additional orings, does anyone have any recommendations and links? Thank you!
  5. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    So after USPS finally pulled their thumb out and delivered my TA3 I can post my thoughts! Shout-out to vgoodiez for indulging my impatience and worry, but thankful they added that insurance option - almost had to use it! I've had my TA3 just under a week so far and it's one of my favorite...
  6. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    Oh perfect! Thank you for explaining :)
  7. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    I'm sorry, I should have been more clear! I meant the "burn off" as mentioned on the listing for the item on vgoodiez. I assumed it was to burn off any residual chemicals from the manufacturing process, but it's prob a good idea to practice on an empty device to get the idea of temperatures and...
  8. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    This is definitely a good starting point. Any tips for how to effectively dry burn? For the regular use I think it's going to be a little trial and error until I figure it out!
  9. Z

    Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie

    Just ordered a TA3 and a blazer torch to go along with it. Plan on using it on the DV Bonger through a chill steel pipe. Any tips on how to get this set up for the first use? Bit new to this particular style of vape so any tips are appreciated!
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