Recent content by Yukon Cornelius

  1. Yukon Cornelius

    Sold Items

    CURVE IS UNWRAPPED!!! Obviously lol SSFG Curve: $45 shipped OBO Only do paypal and will ship through USPS with DC#. If interested, contact me at:
  2. Yukon Cornelius

    Sold Items

    ***BOTH SOLD**** *Disclaimer*: The products shown below are being sold as is, and all sales are final once the transaction is made. What you see is what you get! I really hate to do this, but ever since I discovered BHO and whatnot :rolleyes:, my vapes haven't received much attention honestly...
  3. Yukon Cornelius

    The Boil That Oil Thread!

    Nice piece there Dirt. Anybody have any 90 degree curves they're willing to part with, perhaps?
  4. Yukon Cornelius

    Revolverre Glass store is OPEN !!!

    Those glass PD stems were a great idea. I'm gonna have to look into one eventually. This might sound a little farfetched but could you make an all glass PD stem? I realize the bowl is tiny as hell, but I don't really know anything about glassblowing, so it might be possible. Not sure how the...
  5. Yukon Cornelius

    What's The Average Age Around Here?

    Turn 20 today!
  6. Yukon Cornelius

    Purple-Days availability

    One word for the PD: WOW! Nuff' said. It uses so little... Mod note: Once your PD arrives and you want to comment on it, you should post in the PD thread. This thread is about getting one, not enjoying one. ;)
  7. Yukon Cornelius

    Purple-Days availability

    Oh yeah....what's this copper looking cap for? Edit: nevermind, read the instructions! lol
  8. Yukon Cornelius

    Purple-Days availability

    Just unboxed mine! :D Warming up as I type...I must say this thing is a heck of lot smaller than I imagined. Pictures make it look a lot bigger than it really is. The shipping was super fast, only took two days. I also noticed I was missing the cleaning tube. Were they discontinued or...
  9. Yukon Cornelius

    Purple-Days availability

    My status for #2852 (Oct. 7th) has also been "approved FBA", whatever that means. Sure am glad to see something besides "PD Wait List" under status. :D Especially after checking almost every day for the past month...haha
  10. Yukon Cornelius

    Soundgarden is back!!!

    Oh yeah, nice SOMMS avatar there vtac. SOMMS is great, that Into the Void cover was awesome indeed, as well as Stray Cat Blues and Girl U Want. One of their best EP's. Have you heard Cold Bitch, Birth Ritual, or Blind Dogs? Those are some of my favorite B-Sides Soundgarden released...
  11. Yukon Cornelius

    Soundgarden is back!!!

    Wow, this is a dream come true! Damn, this is awesome news...Soundgarden is probably my favorite band of all time. Can't wait to hear some new SG tunes, and can't forget the tour! Hopefully Cornell's still got it...especially after his Scream stint. *celebrates by playing...
  12. Yukon Cornelius

    Thinking back, bongs kinda "ruined" the high I used to experience...

    Yeah, that first high is like the holy grail. You never realize how awesome it actually is until you build a tolerance. And just thinking about the amount of weed that could fuck you up back then just amazes you...compared to now. Wish I could find or make some good hash. I've got pretty damn...
  13. Yukon Cornelius

    Purple-Days availability

    Still seems easy enough, and since the PD is probably by far the highest selling product they have, it would be a simple and worthwhile "investment". I realize VN is not a huge company, but this is definitely a possibility for them. Like I said, I'm no web designer, hell, I have trouble with...
  14. Yukon Cornelius

    Purple-Days availability

    I don't quite understand, seems like a puny task to me. Like Something an entry level programmer could make in college. Just assemble the list, and have it update every time new PD's are shipped. I'm no buisness man or no software engineer, but I'm familiar enough with computers to know that...
  15. Yukon Cornelius

    Purple-Days availability

    Yeah, patience is a virtue indeed. But in this day, it is certainly possible for VapeNow to come up with a way to allow people to know where they stand in line, even just a number telling them how many is left before theirs is processed/shipped. I think that alone would cut out a lot of the...
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