Recent content by vapeit11

  1. V

    Cleanest vaporizer recommendation

    Is there anything "wrong" with ceramic heating elements?
  2. V

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Awesome, that's how I would use it too since it would be a home unit only. I've been reading the earlier pages of this thread, the price used to be much higher in the past!
  3. V

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Quick question - can the MiniVap be used without the battery? As in solely as a desktop, plugged in unit?
  4. V

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Any plans for a PA 4.0? I think the 2.0/2.1 had the best designs by far, the 3.0 is just too much with the huge box connecting to the mflb.
  5. V

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Hey guys, I'm pretty interested in the MiniVap vape for several reasons. I was wondering if some of you could answer some of my questions: -What is the airpath like for the glass heater core? -Are there any ceramic components (what is that top plate made of?))) -I've seen a few places stating...
  6. V

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Great response. I just went ahead and ordered one, cannot wait to use it :)
  7. V

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Awesome, thank you, that clears it up! Any more information on the stainless steel heating element in general? I know most other vapes use ceramic so i'm intrigued that this has stainless steel. Thinking about things like off-gassing, durability, etc.
  8. V

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Forgive me if this has been answered already, but what are the differences between the different heating elements (SC3, SC3+)? I am highly considering either one of these vapes or an e-nano, and the heating elements seem to be one key difference (stainless steel vs ceramic), so I was just curious.
  9. V

    Cleanest vaporizer recommendation

    Thanks so much, these are some excellent recommendations and I've been taking a look at a lot of them. Two that have my eye right now are the DynaVap / OmniVap and Elev8r just because they have no electronics. This might be a dumb question but is there any chance of off gassing from the dynavap...
  10. V

    Cleanest vaporizer recommendation

    Good afternoon! This is my first post here but I’ve been lurking for a while. I recently got back into cannabis after a 5 year hiatus. Previously I was using an Arizer Extreme Q with a water pipe as my daily setup. I was in shock when I recently read about the dirty pathway issues with the...
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