Recent content by Valvolean

  1. Valvolean

    Converting Normal e-cigs to Cannabis Concentrate Vaporizers

    The disposables don't utilize a rechargeable battery to my knowledge. Just order the $15 starter pack from Mistic. I know they work. Two of my Mistics got loaded with about 1/2 g each of BHO and vaporaized every bit of it. I doublt the heating element holds up for another charge though. I...
  2. Valvolean

    Converting Normal e-cigs to Cannabis Concentrate Vaporizers

    Using my No. 7 e-cig loaded with BHO now. So far, I would say that I liked the draw of the Mistic better but it could easily be a quality control problem on my part. This cart is constructed a bit differently. The isolation tube runs the entire length of the cart and actually connects the...
  3. Valvolean

    Converting Normal e-cigs to Cannabis Concentrate Vaporizers

    I removed the fiber roll, put enough back in (about 1/4"), and to the bottom to act as a wick. I then just used a piece of metal coat hanger to drop some dabs in. Careful to make sure it slides down the side and there is a clear path for air to get through just add a dab and blow very gently...
  4. Valvolean

    Converting Normal e-cigs to Cannabis Concentrate Vaporizers

    Modnote: Title changed to facilitate discussion. :) Mistic - $7.99 BHO Wax e-Cig (title changed) I have a number of e-cigs that I use: Mistic $7.99 - 1 Large Battery, 1 cart, lots of smoke and good battery life. Cigarex $59 - One Large Battery, 3 carts Cig2O $25 - one battery, good smoke...
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