Recent content by Vaderizer

  1. Vaderizer

    Coughing and vaping: totally natural or am I doing it wrong?

    Yeah... I'm just fucked. I took one hit using the whip last night, and then one this morning. My chest is all fucked up. I think this bastard gave me asthma or something (I sure hope it's not "or something"). I've got to lay off this for a while. A long while. Obviously a couple weeks ain't...
  2. Vaderizer

    Coughing and vaping: totally natural or am I doing it wrong?

    Fuck me, man. I took way too big a hit with the whip. No matter what, I'm probably gonna be coughing tonight. Looks like I got some practicing to do this weekend...
  3. Vaderizer

    Coughing and vaping: totally natural or am I doing it wrong?

    Doh... I've got a bunch of stems and a whip these things came with, still in the boxes - never used em. Yay, I'm vaping tonight. Hope this shit helps! Thanks much!
  4. Vaderizer

    Coughing and vaping: totally natural or am I doing it wrong?

    So bad... I've been vaping for about a year now, almost daily from my MFLB. An average of 5 hits a day total. (I was hitting my dugout about the same amount for about 20 years prior). A few months ago, I started getting a cough. Not like most here describe, where they go into a coughing fit...
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