Recent content by upyamumsbum

  1. U

    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    @VAPEHUNTER Cheers dude. looks like a nice little bowl for the supreme. if you can find a 14mm wpa for a arizer or similar might work like that hammer GonG. Yeah, just replaced mine. don't think it had ever been changed. the inner piece (ID 9mm OD 12mm) was fused to the outer piece (ID 14mm OD...
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    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    So I'm gonna go out on a limb and think that a Hammer GonG is one of these.
  3. U

    The Toad from Morwood

    MAN O' MAN.
  4. U

    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    what is a Hammer GonG? Also been using these bowls, as an alternative to the lotus WPA.|null::r4683612729 I got...
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    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    I bought some food grade high temp silicone tubing in inner diameter 14mm from ebay was the only place in australia i could find that had it in short lengths. didn't really want to buy a 30ft roll.
  6. U

    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    holy shit boys this thing is a beast been getting insanely good results at 600f with the lotus wpa. this is the most combustion like hit I have had from a vape. This shames the flowerpot with ease for me.
  7. U

    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    Again, thanks heaps.
  8. U

    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    Anyone got a link to the supreme v6 manual. I was able to get a supreme v6 heater unit sent to australia but can't seem to find the the v6 manual. Sorry if it's in the thread already...
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