Recent content by Two Scoops

  1. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    I've tried pushing the contacts in with my nail and a paper clip, and I've checked two chargers both rated 5.3V and 2A. I also tried cleaning it with 91% iso alcohol. It seems like the battery is just not able to be charged anymore. I filled out a support request yesterday around 6 PM central...
  2. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    I had it on my iPad charger for like two hours tho. I'll keep it on when I get home, but I think it's gone.
  3. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    So I haven't charged my pax 2 in about a week and when I put it on the charger it doesn't even light up. I don't know what happened, I've tried many different types of USB chargers.
  4. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Well I'm back to post my experience with the pax 2. I've used it for about a week and and I think I have enough experience to give a valid opinion. First off, the battery is great. I've only had the battery die on me once and that was after I was using it for the majority of the day. I use my...
  5. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Finally got my pax 2 today and I'm super happy. I also have the simon model and it's awesome. Once I test this out I'll report my experience and findings. :D
  6. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    I'm just hoping my order wasn't lost or something. EDIT: Oh thank goodness, my order has shipped. Kind of strange to get the email at 11:00 at night but better late than never. Oh god I can't wait.
  7. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    I'm happy to be a part of the pax family. :) I'll check my email around 6 pacific time. If I don't get anything I'll pm you my order number. EDIT: Well it appears I didn't get an email and it's 8:16 central time, so I'll send you my order number just in case.
  8. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Yeah, I ordered directly from their paxvapor site.
  9. Two Scoops

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Hey guys, I'm new here and have read a great deal of this thread. I have a question, when did your orders ship out? I ordered mines Saturday and it's Monday as of the time I'm typing this, about mid afternoon. I figured it would have shipped by now since they say they ship same day on orders...
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