Recent content by Tresnar

  1. T

    The Magic-Flight Box

    No doubt. And after the customary "sleep on it" waiting period I plan to unscrew mine and check it out I guess :)
  2. T

    The Magic-Flight Box

    So embarrassingly true! I haven't had a can of WD-40 since I moved out of ohio about 5 years back. The stuff worked for just about everything - including fuel for my potato cannon :D On more weighty matters though, it seems like my Power Adapter may not be fixed quite yet. After loosening and...
  3. T

    The Magic-Flight Box

    If you're like suuuuuper all kinds of bored, you could just try everything. The lighter fluid like he said, or the nail polish remover in my list are the practical choices for sure though. Alcohol Nail Polish Remover (Acetone) Original/Toxic Sharpie (Varies, often Xylene + Toluene) Lighter...
  4. T

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I've logged a few months on my MFLB and a week or two on my PA. The MFLB has been treating me wonderfully when well set up, although I've found the battery-management to be a real downside for me. It requires a good brand of battery and a fresh charge - either from careful preparation...
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