Recent content by Tomy14

  1. Tomy14

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Hello there! I've got a few complaints about the epicvape customer service. About 12 weeks ago I ordered my enano to europe and got it with express delivery within 4 days. Unfortunately I recieved the wrong gong adapter so I sent an email to the support hoping to get a little discount on a...
  2. Tomy14

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Storz & Bickel
  3. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    Could also be a problem with the temperature sensor in the heating unit. The sensor is directly under the heater, anything is fixed with a screw. When this screw is too loose the Solo turns off automatically cause the temperature doesn't increase enough. I already repaired 2 units with this fault.
  4. Tomy14

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Just ordered the exotic maple burl kit with an 14mm Gong ;pd; :) Looking forward to see how fast international express shipping is :D
  5. Tomy14

    Vaporizing Tobacco (not e-cigs)

    Vaping Tabacco makes absolutely no sense and is pretty dangerous. When heating up tobacco to vaping-temperature many toxins are released and enter your body pretty fast. I'd rather smoke tobacco than vape it.
  6. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    Its not about the cleaning, but about the reuse of the oil collected in the stem. I heard people heat the stems up with a lighter to get the oil liquid?
  7. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    Is there a method to get the oil out of the fogged stems? I heard some guys use a q-tip to clean their stems and then put the cotton into the solo again for a good vape. Any suggestions?
  8. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    There is nothing better than delivered food after midnight :D Too bad I have almost no herbs left, I hope to find somebody on the hemp-hiking-day in vienna this weekend :cool:
  9. Tomy14

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    Made an 5 Minute Cupcake in the Microwave with my special ingredient avb. Big love :love:
  10. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    Last week I received the PVHES Gong Turbo and the Vortex Stem and I did a few sessions. The Gong Turbo allows a great airflow but delivers just thin clouds. I tried using it with a doomed screen and with high temperatures but I don't really like it. I prefer my 'standard' gong without the...
  11. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    New Solo Versions come with the 'use while charging' feature and a normal wall charger. You don't need the power adapter for a new solo. Tomy
  12. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    @OF Too bad they abolished that feature, the Solo would be perfect with a real PA mode. The 'using while charging' feature they added now is, as you said, just for marketing reasons. It would be so awesome to plug in the Solo, having 10 sessions with my friends and not have to worry about...
  13. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    I got one question about the Solo Power Adapter. Does anybody know how the Solo (new version) works with the PA? Does the PA bypass the battery and only powers the heater? I wanted the PA for home use to relieve the battery when its not needed. Someone in this thread wrote that the PA also...
  14. Tomy14

    Arizer Solo

    Hey folks :) I'm new to this forum and I want to say hi. I'm Tomy, I live in Vienna, Austria and I'm working as an electrical engineer. I started using vaporizer at the beginning of the year, I ordered a Solo because I wanted to quit smoking cigarets and because I was ill and the smoke...
  15. Tomy14

    Cool Music to Vape to - Part 2

    Seeed - Wonderful Life
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