Recent content by The Professor

  1. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    Thanks Old School. Checked out a quick swab last night. Very sweet! Think I'm going to move to use the glass capsules and reclaim the oil in ISO as part of a long term plan to make some oil. But, I've not had great success with the glass tubes. Maybe I'm packing them too tight? I don't...
  2. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    The Hygenic tips: What are those things made out of. I'm wondering what is the best way of recovering the resin from the plastic hygenic tips? Can you ISO soak them, or scrape them? Frozen or room temperature? any and all opinions/experiences much appreciated.
  3. The Professor

    Coconut oil.. Really how long.

    I was hoping to make the coconut oil into capsules but now that it's warm outside the coco oil will melt in the capsules if I take them outside for too long. I'm worried they'll leak. Any thoughts on whether capsules leak - I have no experience - or what I can do to the oil to keep it solid at...
  4. The Professor

    Magical Butter

    The Professor just got his MB2E. I'm going to do a coconut butter run: 2 cups oil, 2 tbsp lethicin, 1 oz botanical. I'm sure I've got that part of the recipe down. I was going to do a machine decarb at 190 and I've read about a guy when does another hour decarb at 220 with the same botanicals...
  5. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    Thanks play2. hey - I'm in Toronto too.
  6. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    Hi All. The Professor ordered some glass capsules and they are set to arrive tomorrow - I will post an update after I've had a chance to run them through a bit. I have some 18650 unprotected cells, and a couple of protected ones. I use the protected 18650s in an e-cigarette and the...
  7. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    The Professor got his replacement unit a couple of Tuesday's ago. Fredrick threw in a couple of extra capsules - sweet! Since I was going to be heading out to Cow Town the following day, I resisted the urge to use the INH05, and instead packed it in my checked luggage. One thing I did notice...
  8. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    You need to get specialized batteries: the 18650's - I think they were originally designed for high power flashlights. The one that comes with your INH05 is a 3000mAh. I had some on hand for an e-cig mod that I used to use. They come in various mAh, and I don't know what happens if you don't...
  9. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    I would definitely mail order yourself a wall charger, and two new batteries. The wall charger will get you good to go in just a couple of hours, and that will charge two batteries. From there, you just cycle one out, and pop the other two in the charger, and you're always good to go...
  10. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    Thank you Dr. Vape. Nice photos. Very instructive
  11. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    I'm sure that is true. But if I wanted to wait 5 minutes, I'd keep the Solo. :)
  12. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    Ok. So, after about ten days of being seriously vaped, my INH05 crapped out. At first the blue light stopped blinking, but I'm pretty sure it was heating. Changed the battery. No blue light, no heat. I let Fredrick know, and made arrangements to ship the unit back to Montreal. Fredrick...
  13. The Professor

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    I received my Inhalator about a week ago. It arrived in Toronto less than 24 hours after it was shipped from Montreal. A 5 pack of capsules was missing, but Fredrick shipped those out as soon as I notified him. I have not had any issues with melting. I don’t go higher than 8, and I let the...
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