Recent content by templeton

  1. T

    Tetra P80

    I did the same and couldn’t be happier with what I received.
  2. T

    Tetra P80

    Acrylic 133 from the last drop has landed. My poorly taken/lighted photo doesn’t really do it justice.
  3. T

    Tetra P80

    Wow… what an incredible drop. Some really amazing pieces.
  4. T

    Tetra P80

    Finally got to use Acrylic 92 from the last drop. After a crazy move relocating from one coast to the other, not vaping or smoking for 30 days, and buying my first home, it was really great. Solo session on cruise. I’ll post some pictures once I get settled. Have to say, Ralph really does make a...
  5. T

    Tetra P80

    I obviously hit the vrod too hard. J-hook, not j-stem (previous post has been edited). I will definitely post pictures of the setup once I receive the new glass. Can’t say enough good things about Mike/OGB. I stole my idea from a previous post from @Kinick23 after searching through literally...
  6. T

    Tetra P80

    Acrylic 92 from the last drop has landed. Pictures and updates incoming. Awesome work as always; absolutely beautiful! Waiting on a custom J-hook from OBG to break it in.
  7. T

    Tetra P80

    40 premades. No customs this drop.
  8. T

    Tetra P80

    Absolutely nailed that one!
  9. T

    Tetra P80

    I was lucky enough to snag 92. I’m willing to trade my first born for 79!
  10. T

    Tetra P80

    I was able to snag acrylic 92, although I have no idea what it looks like. It all happened so fast. . .
  11. T

    Tetra P80

    I think I was able to snag one! I messed up big time and stupidly thought the drop was at 1:30pm my time, not 1pm. Luckily I got there early enough to practice my order and saw there were units available. I’m bummed I wasn’t able to get a custom one, but very happy with what I got!
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