Recent content by Tarhead

  1. Tarhead

    What strains are good for Sleep Apnia?

    Here is a good explanation of the differences between synthetic THC and Cannabis:
  2. Tarhead

    Migraine relief tips

    Has anyone here gotten approved for Disability due to Migraines?
  3. Tarhead

    What strains are good for Sleep Apnia?

    There is a larger follow-up study published in Jan 2018 Sleep Journal by the same researcher from University of Illinois Chicago. He is using synthetic THC (Dronabinol) in these trials. This is not Cannabis. I compare this to an "Apple vs Pineapple"...
  4. Tarhead

    What strains are good for Sleep Apnia?

    ...but falling asleep while driving due to it and hitting a tree at 50mph will. That's how I lost my brother and almost happened to me a few times.
  5. Tarhead

    Migraine relief tips

    I'm 8 years into migraines after neck surgery. I lost count of all the preventive meds they have tried. Also Botox, Ice/heat wraps, TENs unit, herbalists (witch doctors), vitamins, minerals, 100 different diets, you name it. The only thing that works to stop the pain for me is Sumatriptan...
  6. Tarhead

    What strains are good for Sleep Apnia?

    Any sedative...alcohol, sleeping meds, anti-anxiety meds or pain meds reduce the nerve impulses to the smooth muscles which keep you upper airway open when you sleep. If you have OSA without these things I don't see how Cannabis will help. I use microdosed BlueDream for migraines and my AHI...
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