Recent content by StrawberryTribe

  1. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    V2 looks neat, but I never found having both open were beneficial. I think I use it similar to a single hole though. I cover both carbs on the first 2-3 seconds of the draw and feather both holes for a few seconds.
  2. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    I'm browsing for new jet lighters and I find these uhh 'novel' ones on eBay Link for um science...
  3. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    Cleaning Pro-Tip: If you use a grinder or have a used a grinder from the past... Take a small piece of degummed hemp fiber and stick it in the VC load. Get a feel for the size you need to fill it but not suffocate the air path. Use the degummed hemp fiber piece to pick up the kief and...
  4. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    I said I wasn't gonna get another one... Ended up picking up an M to add to the collection. Perhaps it'll be the hiking or perhaps bring to a club vape, don't know how that'll fare though. At a music festival, I think it'd be a good hard hitter and I won't be too mad if it gets lost or confiscated
  5. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    Link for this? Sorry do not want to go through a ton of pages to find it =/
  6. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    How's the Nonavong? I don't really use glass but I like the threaded feature and that it's not round. I'm thinking about getting a XL Omnivong for the no hassle on the go option. But trying to keep my VAS in check... the Ti-Woody S is doing work already, but I kind of hate vaping in low...
  7. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    I second this. I have an ER version and I still carry my bud in a seperate doobtoob on the go. It kinda defeats the purpose. The doobtube isn't the best to get material, but it keeps the smellz in
  8. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    I have a flight next week to Vegas. How do i bring the vapcap og with me? I have a completely clean unused one. Yay for legalization, but no recreational stores open yet.. Not sure how I'll get it there.
  9. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    Yes! definitely agree on the gallery. The current pics are just not enough. A gallery of "totem" Vapcap porn pictures submitted to them of regular pieces and DIY pieces. And add a caption of what they are and perhaps a Twitter or Instagram link to em.
  10. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    I saw these crystal pipes on instagram a ton. I wonder... a crystal Vapcap stem??? Love the pen concept. I would love to bring a pen into a club or concert, but I feel the heating up process is going to get you in trouble at the events. I have another thought... What about stems with chip...
  11. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    I'm using the triple jet from them, still takes 10 seconds or so from room temp of 65 (I'm looking at the room temp right now lol), and almost 15 seconds for the initial click when outside. I feel like a quad can do it in seconds probably, but I feel like that's going to be 90% conduction. The...
  12. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    What's the G2?
  13. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    I find it's heat up time is 10-15 seconds. When I'm out in the suburbs, it feels rather discreet because the smell is minimal, and I'm done rather quick. The Ti-Woody is just a smidge better, it looks less crack pipe-ish, but still is confusing. Word of mouth brings them to the site, but it...
  14. StrawberryTribe

    Dynavap VapCap

    Oh Boy, this is my first post on FC forums. I started using cannabis about a year ago, and started vaporizing with the Pax 1. After about 3 months, I looked for a new daily driver. I asked on /r/vaporents and found the OG Vapcap. After a few months of contemplating on it, I bought it, and I...
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