Recent content by SourLemon

  1. SourLemon

    Dynavap VapCap

    Here's some pictures of the 21m tip and cap (got it on the old vong atm) although they are wholly unremarkable.
  2. SourLemon

    Dynavap VapCap

    Yo, Hope everyone's doing well. I just got my 2021m a couple of days ago and noticed super restrictive airflow to the point im forced to do mtl to get any air through with the carb closed. Tried it on my VOOG stem and same there. Also tried my Ti tip on the 21m stem to rule that out and that...
  3. SourLemon

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    These aren't great but i didn't think to take better ones at the time. Dissasebly is pretty easy with basically only the external screws needing to be removed, everything else that you'd need to remove is held on with friction. Putting the thing back together is as i said before a massive...
  4. SourLemon

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    So regarding removing the spring, I have managed to fully dissaseble the unit and remove the spring safely, it is simply glued on with hot glue so it wasn't too difficult although re-assembly was a little bit of a ballache. I also removed the 'chamber open' safety because it always annoyed me...
  5. SourLemon

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    I have tried just deforming the spring but this didn't seem to work. The spring is too stiff and also too close to the back of the device to do this.
  6. SourLemon

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    How do you remove the metal spring? I opened up my ghost yesterday to try save it as my door will not stay closed now as the plastic tab has 'rounded over' and doesn't hold the door closed. I think if i remove the spring it should allow me to use the ghost without holding the door shut but it is...
  7. SourLemon

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    I messed with it quite a bit and i'm almost convinced it's not doing anything or at least not what we think it should be doing. I stopped messing with it as i was achieving worse results on both green and red. It is worth expiramenting with though as it's so easily reversable and maybe your unit...
  8. SourLemon

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @SquirrelMaster Yeah i expiramented quite a bit and still anything above a 4.5 and i will start to get a pretty dark char ring. i have tried leaving some space from herb to heater which helps a tiny bit but not enough to really matter. I'm still plenty happy enough starting my sesh at a 2-2.5...
  9. SourLemon

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @Shit Snacks After my first hit i realised this thing can hangle fast draws as its so quick off the mark. I'm ripping it fast and hard and it has no problem keeping up. I'll just have to experiment a little bit to find my personal sweet spot of temp setting and distance from bowl to heater.
  10. SourLemon

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @Vaporific I'm pretty sure that it's running a little hot or maybe too hot for my personal tastes. I loaded another couple of bowls with the most minimal packing, basically just 'sucking' the herb into the bowl and had similar results at 5 with the charred ring but found that at around 3 i get...
  11. SourLemon

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @SquirrelMaster i've been using it all day at 2-3 and getting similarly sized clouds as i get out my MV1 but without the annoying 15 second draw. I fucking love the instant vapour out of this. It was a black ring, deffinetly due to uneven heating. i do think mine might be running hot but its...
  12. SourLemon

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I'm a big dumb dumb. So having properly examined the spent bowl i have found that; a)It was charring but not full combustion (Still something i want to avoid as its still technically combustion) and, b)In my excitment i way overpacked the bowl so it's completely on me. Being an MV1 owner I'm...
  13. SourLemon

    TinyMight / TM 2

    yo, Just go my unit now and from the first hit at a 6 (as suggested by the manual) and i slightly combusted. Coming from the MV1 with a relatively gentle pull, so my pull was probably too slow. I turned it down in the meantime.
  14. SourLemon

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    Thank you both for the reply. I've been getting 3 good hits per crucible lately, but I do use red 1 for every hit so that might be why. I do remember when I first got the MV1 though I seemed to getting more out my herb. I might try starting off at a lower temp again to see if my 'yield' gets any...
  15. SourLemon

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    Yo, how many hits do you all get from one crucible on average? I feel sometimes i get 1-2 good hits and sometimes up to 5-6 so, I was wondering if anyone else found the number of hits per crucible super inconsistent.
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