Recent content by snarky

  1. S

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    So, when I was cleaning my Pax tonight, I did a thorough job and then I clicked it onto the medium setting while it was empty. After it was done heating, I popped the cap off to see if there was any vapor and sure enough, there was some basically odorless vapor, not much. I tried again on red...
  2. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    How do you guys clean your box? (tee hee) I'm talking about the residue/crud.
  3. S

    ISO: Low-cost, safe, portable vaporizer -or- Can the MFLB be beat?

    I have just today seen the vapexhale and indeed it looks unbelievably cool. The only problem is that I would like to make this purchase next week and I also think 450 is a bit out of my price range, unfortunately.
  4. S

    ISO: Low-cost, safe, portable vaporizer -or- Can the MFLB be beat?

    Hello fellow vapor-enthusiasts, I'm sorry if this question gets asked a lot, I have done some research but I want to pick all of your brains for a moment. I've owned a VaporBrothers and a MFLB and I loved them both for different reasons, though I switched full-time to my Launch Box once I got...
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