Recent content by SilverbackPsychonaut

  1. SilverbackPsychonaut

    Kleen extract

    Does anyone here happen to know the contact information for KleenXtract? No email address is listed on their main website, none in the confirmation email on my purchase, and I've tried through Facebook to no avail. Any help would be appreciated so I can see what the hold up is on my order. Thank...
  2. SilverbackPsychonaut

    ABV Cannaoil Brownies Question

    Actually, my methods have changed since posting that. But to answer your question, you probably will get stronger batches, but I would argue it's not very significant to justify so long of a wait to process, so that method and wait time is up to you. It is not the process I would recommend for...
  3. SilverbackPsychonaut

    ABV Cannaoil Brownies Question

    And sorry, would've included this is my previous post if I had read to the end of the page. I too have experienced stomach "tenderness" while eating brownies made with this method. As described in my previous post, most so on my first test at eating a whole brownie in one go. As I was working...
  4. SilverbackPsychonaut

    ABV Cannaoil Brownies Question

    I actually signed up to vouch for ABV being very successful in baking. Using a different source, a similar method was used where in a coffee grinder I ground my ABV into a fine powder and then simply threw it into the mix and baked as per directions. The source also included a tip of adding an...
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