Recent content by shogem

  1. S

    My Stash

    Picked up a little Blue Dream today along with some Kind Rub for myself and a family member to help soothe a couple of issues. :) The Blue Dream looks quite nice.
  2. S

    My Stash

    If you'd like to chat more about this specifically and my experiences, go ahead and PM me--I wanna keep this on topic :)
  3. S

    My Stash

    Thank you for the complement, and the awesome information. It is one of my favorite hybrids so far. I like it. I like Sour Tsunami, as well--but both of these particular batches I purchased were roughly the same content thc/cbd wise, according to lab testing. There are some beautiful flowers...
  4. S

    My Stash

    No glamour shots of my stash, as I think it'll take too long (without much reward). As I am a relatively new patient searching for natural anxiety relief, I have been trying out different strains to see what works. Pax in the picture because... well, I like it. :P Newly purchased this past...
  5. S

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    Thanks for the info, though!
  6. S

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    @Indica Vaporizer, I echo @Mr Mellish 's sentiment. :) Matte black is an exciting feature. I realize it doesn't exactly keep up the zippo style, but offering the zippo style as well as a matte black style makes me happy.
  7. S

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Thanks a bunch! I am considering a vape that has lower temperature settings and it looks like plug-in is the way to go for this particular feature. The E-Nano seems to have great reviews, discretion, and it looks great. I've added it to my list of things I'm planning to purchase :)
  8. S

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I didn't find this easily while searching in the thread, and it's not on the website. I apologize if this is somewhere obvious. What are the precise temperature settings on the E-Nano? I.E. I see that on the external dial from promotional photos it's listed from 0-11. What are those different...
  9. S

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    Thanks for the link! Are you located in Australia, by the way, or? I'm in California, and definitely like my medical cannabis, but this is a process, not a journey finished (into the realm of naturopathy, health, relaxation, et al). If you have any other online retail suggestions, I'd be happy...
  10. S

    My Stash

    Where on earth did you get those half oz stalks? Those things are amazing.
  11. S

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    Interesting point. I don't really vape for more than a couple of minutes at a time, so maybe that will help if I don't want to purchase a desktop item right now.
  12. S

    Surprisingly strong effects from vaporizing chamomile

    I'm really interested in vaporizing other herbs like chamomile for my anxiety, but I only have portable vaporizers that start at 350+°F. Do you think this is too much, or will it produce desirable effects?
  13. S

    Mangoes-So I thought it was just an urban legend....

    I know this is slightly off-topic, but I love the number of source-oriented, research and science-minded folk there are on this forum. Seeing this small scale experiment example warms my bones.
  14. S

    House Votes to Prohibit DOJ From Interfering With State Medical Marijuana or Industrial Hemp Program

    Federal legalization for MMJ? Where's the info for that--or are you simply referring to the call to Obama to declassify cannabis as a harmful substance? I'm hoping the Senate passes this coming bill. I'm also hoping that CA will be able to get a full legalization bill by 2016. It's a shame they...
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    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    I want to give a little context. It was a crowded area of people walking in a city--I was also walking. This was much easier to be discreet about, as the mouthpiece is the only real visible thing in my hand. My friend didn't even know I used it (we were walking to get coffee). Most people...
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