Recent content by SammySess

  1. SammySess

    Vaping newbie question

    hey guys, enjoying vaping so far still, I find that being in class while high on vape today I felt a LOT more stoned than I did with bong hits? lol And btw I used a small amount to make my butter. I used HALF a stick of butter with about 4 grams of weed. I vape from 190c - 200c
  2. SammySess

    Vaping newbie question

    cool, also, i just ate half the butter with straight up nutella (gave the other half to my brother). 20 minutes in and im already feeling it a lot :D its a nice feeling, very different to how i was when i was smoking with a high tolerance.. edibles would just make me sleepy now i feel more...
  3. SammySess

    Vaping newbie question

    Hey guys, So I invested in a volcano vape a while ago but never made the commitment to only use the vap and not smoke. I have now started using it instead of smoking my bong like 5 times a day. I noticed since switching to vape only 2 days ago I have been coughing up black phlegm (sorry for the...
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