Recent content by RastaVapa

  1. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Thanks man means alot, just good to be back doing something, not gonna work myself ill just taking it slow and steady and trying to keep my mind healthy, thanks man
  2. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Nice I have some of them, still have trouble getting them in the UK, I think I got them somewhere in the Eu last time, they are very good and easy to use on a standard psu with no adjustments . If you wanted to use off the shelf cartridge elements use the reprap 24v 30w 6mm x 20mm these come...
  3. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Been building the new lot of cores today and will have some pics up tommorow ,all logs will now have this style now as heat retention and recovery is very good. @blokenoname nice to see others building there own what are you using for your heating elements So good to get my mind into something...
  4. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Thankyou everyone for your concern and messages, i have been very ill mainly from the medicine to treat my blood cancer, so much that i have now been taken off of it as i was loosing my mind also. only now a few months after stopping the injections i am getting back on my feet and my mind is...
  5. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Hello everyone I have not been on here for a few months I have been going through some pretty gruelling treatment which has made me very ill physically and mentally I have now been changed over to a new drug at guys hospital and seem to be doing better. Sorry I have not replied to any emails...
  6. RastaVapa

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    Had one for a few days so far and I have to say this is my favourite portable yet, it has even had me not using my vapcaps. Taste is exellent right up to the end of the bowl and it is so efficient, I have just ordered a few coloured stems one short and one long to go with it and some new...
  7. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Hello all been pretty ill the last few months even had a trip to the hospital thrown in for good measure but i am still here, these few will be posted tommorrow and some more pics to follow..... Frankensteins monster lives........... take it easy all
  8. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    I have been experimenting with 25 micron stainless cloth I use for rosin pressing as a wick for concentrates in the log stems, it seems to work really well and I will now include a piece with each log kit, I found that after many rosin presses the cloth is full of resin and can be vaped as it...
  9. RastaVapa

    Adding terpenes to your herb

    I've tried the pans ink terpene's but did not really like them but i have had a few grams of the cbd crystals from empire wellness in the US one plain and the other was GDP infused terps , i found them very nice but dabbing was a bit throaty i found i prefered to vape them on a bowl.... very...
  10. RastaVapa

    Discontinued Vapor Lithe

    Glad I ordered the gamma then, can't wait......
  11. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Been sorting out the garden and base for the new workshop everyone so been a bit quiet recently but i really need the bigger workshop so now the better weather is here i am putting some time aside to get it done as when it is i will churn out alot more logs.... Just quickly read through the...
  12. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    Nice man glad you are getting along with it, looked like nice thick hits too, like the water piece I have an orbiter very similar...
  13. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    See if they have any they have trimmed the last few years I bet some is lying around somewhere in a pile unless they chuck it on the firewood pile :o I would need a blank around 50-70mm diameter for a log but smaller pieces can be used for stems and wongs would be amazing if they had some still...
  14. RastaVapa

    Discontinued HomeGrownLogs

    As long as its well dried and cured it would be ok, this can take years sometimes....... i love yew very interesting wood ,it wood be nice to turn up some thats thousands of years old.. I have owned 4 mightys as i was an early backer and had a few problems with the first three but when i got...
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