Recent content by premarket

  1. P

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Wow these deals look really incredible! Is this considered your 420 sale? Not too sure when is the best time to pull the trigger :brow: Now or in like 15 days :rofl:
  2. P

    Dynavap VapCap

    I do agree with you that this combination is probably the one I need except I still one one last question. If you don't mind me asking, what is the reason you suggested the Omnivap instead of the regular vapcap? Is it because of the carb?
  3. P

    Dynavap VapCap

    just wanted to give you a big thank you! a lot more things are more clear to me (lingo was pretty confusing to me at first) in your opinion, are there much difference if you use a vapcap with the rubber mouth piece as to the Nonavong? i just realized (from your links) that it would cost about...
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    Dynavap VapCap

    thanks that clears up so much! if i bought the Ti-Carbon-S along with an Omni-condenser, would that be similar/same as a Nonavong? Basically I'm trying to use the Ti-Carbon-S as my main portable and occasionally i would like to connect it to my glass. I understand that the Vong is better to...
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    Dynavap VapCap

    oh lol thats so simple. can you explain to me what the difference between the Nonavong and let's say the Ti-Carbon-S? Like from what I understand, the Nonavong is made for waterpipes, but wouldnt it be a better idea to get a Ti-Carbon-S and just put the big fat mouthpiece as the adapter and...
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    Dynavap VapCap

    I'm new to vaporizing and i just have a few questions in regards to the vapcap. i'm looking to purchase the Ti-Carbon-S and im wondering if i can connect it to my bong that is a female 14mm. Will I be able to do this or do i have to purchase a Nonavong instead?
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