Recent content by porlex

  1. P

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    I've followed these instructions Maybe soak was a poor choice of word... I do quick dips with the mouthpiece parts, no longer than 1'. Only the glass cylinder is left in iso for a longer period because it gets very...
  2. P

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    I'm not enjoying the experience of cleaning the F2 mouthpiece. What bothers me is the white residue that remains after soaking it in iso alcohol. Do you think that PBW would do a better job? Thanks
  3. P

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    could use some help from 1st generation arizer air or boundless cf owners. How would you compare the oven capacity from these vapes with the oven capacity of the hr fury 2? thanks
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