Recent content by PepeParada

  1. PepeParada

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Hi! I've had a PD since July '09, and loved it since the beginning, always keeping it on 24/7. The unfortunate thing is that I've actually just gone through my 3rd power plug. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but after a while the cord apparently starts to lose connection at random, leaving...
  2. PepeParada

    Purple-Days availability

    #1957, got my shipment confirmation this morning :D
  3. PepeParada

    Purple-Days availability

    #1957, haven't received confirmation yet. apparently i'm next tho =D
  4. PepeParada

    Purple-Days availability

    thanks for the quick reply, and the good news... and sorry for missing that info in the first place. but hey that got me into finally registering :D. have a good night!
  5. PepeParada

    Purple-Days availability

    hi all, i'm a newly registered member, though i've been lurking around for a while. just getting into vaping, through a VG the wife got for me, and i don't ever want to go back to burning! so after a lot of research, i decided to go for a PD for every day use. so i put myself on the PD waiting...
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