Recent content by PepeMiguel

  1. PepeMiguel


    Hi guys! Black friday is green Friday on this French site Cheers
  2. PepeMiguel


    Hello Vapmaniacs Some pictures of my walnut basic after some sanding oiling and polishing job Two tones for station.... Hope you like it... And a family picture.... Cheers Modnote: Edited to display images
  3. PepeMiguel


    Thank you Stu
  4. PepeMiguel


    How the trophy points works?
  5. PepeMiguel


    Hello Vapman family I received this week my new walnut basic with the new bigger center bore and i love it, but i think that compared to the old one, it lose a little bit of his mystical/magical... I love the grain of the basic walnut and i think maybe instead of charring it in two tones, maybe...
  6. PepeMiguel


    Thank you guys!!! I will post some pictures when finished!
  7. PepeMiguel


    Hi If i remember well, some of you charred their vapman, i also would like to make the same, a two tone job for my next basic walnut, do I need to take some precautions before starting the job, I'm looking for an old post (DIY) who talk about that but I cannot find it. Thanks
  8. PepeMiguel


    Hello everybody I order my Pearl classic Vapman in a French site for just 80€ on black Friday (29/11). I was very excited, that was my first vaporizer and still is. That was not my first choice for a vaporizer, I was going to buy a MFLB, and after reading some reviews about it I found an...
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