Recent content by NuttinOnYoFace

  1. N

    Iolite vaporiser

    haha you are right about it being a walkie not gonna lie a couple of days the last week of school( i got it around 4-20) i brought it and we were vapin in school..pretty stupid since we are all prestigious students going to top universities. But I only did it cuz of how it is so...
  2. N

    Iolite vaporiser

    So basically it just took longer to heat it up? It didnt like cause you to get not as high for the amount of bud used did it? And what I meant was, would it be better to say buy an oz of krippy for say 300, and just use it continually for say 6 months instead of buying a 10 sac here and...
  3. N

    Iolite vaporiser

    I have a quick question about bud. I know a lot of people have been saying that the drier it is the better it will be in the vape. I was wondering if if would be a benefit to buy say an oz and just save it. Would it still be good in the vape say a month or even 6 months from now since it...
  4. N

    Iolite vaporiser

    has anyone figured out exactly how to tell when the bowl is cashed. like if u pack it half full does it go through like 10 hits, etc..? also i read that it was better to flip the filter so that the holes face up, is this better or no?
  5. N

    Iolite vaporiser

    also did anyone figure out what store sells a good quality butane for a cheap price? Someone said maybe home depot, but does anyone know a brand or name that they know works very well?
  6. N

    Iolite vaporiser

    I am a little confused as to what you mean exactly by the sipping of a cocktail straw. I have smoked the unit a couple times and my friend seems to rip it for a long breath and get pretty baked. I just wanna make sure that I don't suck "not enough" to get no vapor. Or is it fine to barely suck...
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