Recent content by Newbie2shoes

  1. N

    Abv shrub what to do with it?

    I have about 40 gr. Of some abv and don't want to waste it any ideas?? I pull one bag off of each pack soo it should be semi potent so any ideas would be great. I've heard of hash but not sure on the yields. I've cooked with it and it's okay Im more for hash but don't want to ruin almost 1.5 o's...
  2. N

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Newb here... Hello all Hey all you vape lovers I'm one myself. A little bit about my arsenal I currently have an arizer extreme Q 2010, vapor genie and a few bowls and bongs that never get used anymore. Stopping in to say hey ive been a lurker for awhile now decided why not join... Vape on!
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