Recent content by ncnc777

  1. ncnc777

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Just got my hotshot. Unfortunately, after an hour of charging it became almost too hot to touch. I got worried and disconnected it - now the switch does not work or light up at all. Any ideas for a fix? More specifically it gets really hot around the driver module capacitors.
  2. ncnc777

    Sneaky Pete Globes

    IF you would like to remove the logo, spray with CLR, wait 10 mins, wipe off.
  3. ncnc777

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Mininail sent me a counterclockwise heater coil. Doesn't fit in my fp, old mininail coil did.
  4. ncnc777

    SiC of the rattle? Adding SiC Balls to Flowerpot

    My coil is 13 mm at the thickest point. That leaves almost 4 mm of play. Like I said earlier, my coil is 3 wraps. Yours might fit differently. I don't understand your comment regarding shaking.
  5. ncnc777

    SiC of the rattle? Adding SiC Balls to Flowerpot

    You are correct where the air does not make contact with the proposed location of the balls. I suppose it would make it so that after the head was fully heated, the enail would not have to work as hard in order to keep it at the set temp. As for stretching the coil, the reason I bring up any of...
  6. ncnc777

    SiC of the rattle? Adding SiC Balls to Flowerpot

    The aluminum would be in contact with the heater inside the diffuser which sounds like alzheimers . Here is an image The balls would prevent up and down movement of the coil inside the head diffuser combo I don't want anything to crack or break under high heat and contact with the coil -...
  7. ncnc777

    SiC of the rattle? Adding SiC Balls to Flowerpot

    Hi all, first post here! I currently am using a mini nail 20 mm barrel coil (3 clockwise wraps) with my VROD and it rattles up and down. Wondering if I could fill in the extra space with SiC balls to stop the movement of the coil and add thermal mass to the head. Any input/sourcing for SiC...
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