Recent content by Mutt

  1. Mutt

    Gear E-nail by Highly Educated

    800 dollars for a a couple of simple items that cost less than 200 dollars is pure and utter B.S. .......... Dab Essentials pulled the same crap with thier 180 dollar TI nail ....... now that people have learned where they come from and how much they really cost to make ...... people refuse to...
  2. Mutt

    Cleaning a clogged vape screen

    I have a jar (peanut butter, pickles, whatever) that I full with 99% ISO (that I get at walmart) and leave the alcohol in it. When a bowl gets too dirty, or my dab tools get coated up, or my vape screen gets clogged. I drop it in the jar and leave it there overnight. The next day when I get...
  3. Mutt

    Handheld Vaporizer or Ti Nail for a concentrate newb?

    First of all, DONT try to smoke RSO. It's great medicine for eating, cooking etc. But it has so much chlorophyl in it and it's really really harsh to smoke. Just let RSO be RSO and ingest it orally. As for all the others. I suggest you start with a TI Nail or glass nail and see if you...
  4. Mutt

    Looking for a second Vape to use concentrates

    I have a MFLB and I love it. I also bought the AC power adapter for it. Which makes it a great in home vape. But, it's still just a MFLB. Great for on the go. But, not so good for high volume vaping. I found a Etreme Q for 80 bucks and I am so glad I bought it. I can run balloons or just use the...
  5. Mutt

    Long Time MFLB user looking for new Portable reccomendation

    Buy extra batteries for your MLFB. I also bought the AC power adapter. That makes it really nice. I can keep my batteries on the charger for when I need them and use the AC cord the rest of the time. Great enhancement to the MFLB.
  6. Mutt

    Headaches and heat flashes after I vape

    You may want to try a different strain. I sometimes get hot flashes and a headache when I smoke, but it is only with one or two different strains ...... and only if I smoke alot. Northern lights doesn't really effect me (even though everyone loves it here) so I end up having to smoke more of...
  7. Mutt

    Saliva + Vaping

    Are you looking down at the vape?? Are your eyes and nose pointint towards the floor? Looking up might help?
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