Recent content by MLBxxMLB

  1. M

    Herb Grinders

    Anyone own a Santa Cruz shredder hemp version? How does it compare to the metal version in terms of grind coarseness and “fluffy”.
  2. M

    Budget scoop and stir tool?

    Ordered a scoop from rogue wax works Etsy. His scoop shapes I like a lot better than Delta3D. It’s more like the spatulas and scoops we use in our lab more tube like than shovel, but smaller. I find those a lot easier to load into tubes and such in the lab so hoping I like it.
  3. M

    Arizer Solo II

    Not sure what I misunderstood by your statement. “Since switching to the preformed ones on EBay” You switched to preformed ones which you buy off eBay, hence why I asked about which ones you were talking about.
  4. M

    Arizer Solo II

    Any link to the eBay ones you use?
  5. M

    Arizer Solo II

    What size screens are the right size for the solo 2 stem? 0.5”?
  6. M

    Budget scoop and stir tool?

    Anyone know if the scoop shapes/sizes are the same or similar between the Etsy and eBay stores of rogue wax works? I want the medium scoop from the Etsy store, but also a stir/poker on the other end. There are a few like that on the eBay store, but hard to tell from images of the scoops are as...
  7. M

    Upgrading from a Stempod. Still new to vaping.

    That was actually something I liked in reviews. With the Stempod I was getting the best results with the vent barely open and what fet like fairly high draw resistance. I didn’t like the feel with the vent open past about 15%. Could be specific to the Stempod and I’d hate the resistance from the...
  8. M

    Arizer Solo II

    So you shaped them yourself?
  9. M

    Upgrading from a Stempod. Still new to vaping.

    Mostly uneven heating with any wattage setting. Center hotspot, with edges still green around the hotspot sometimes quite charred in the middle and a couple combustions. I also adjusted the coils a bit, spread them out, pushed them closer together after suggestions from others online. I am going...
  10. M

    Arizer Solo II

    What screens did you buy?
  11. M

    Upgrading from a Stempod. Still new to vaping.

    I mainly just don’t like the process involved with the dynavap. I know people love it, but for me keeping a torch around for it just seems like a hassle. I like how affordable it is, but I’m willing to spend a bit more for something more convenient like the Solo 2. Its larger, but for a fairly...
  12. M

    Upgrading from a Stempod. Still new to vaping.

    I thought it was the other way around with the One being a sightly updated version of the Fury 2. I read that it now has a titanium bowl and something to do with some of the stems not going into the bowl which lowered capacity.
  13. M

    Upgrading from a Stempod. Still new to vaping.

    Light as in, less, not as much. Smaller dosage. I’ve looked at the dynavap since it’s cheap, but the torch makes it less convenient than I’d like. It’s still an option though I’ve changed my mind several times.
  14. M

    Upgrading from a Stempod. Still new to vaping.

    I originally got a Stempod SI after recommendations from a friend who also have me a mod so it was a cheap way to try out vaping herb. It works well and has made me want to jump into vaping so I guess it worked. I’m now looking to upgrade to a battery powered vape, something even more...
  15. M

    Arizer Solo II

    I’m trying to find some of the original Fury 2 dosing capsules that are mesh. These are OOS everywhere I check. Not the newer version that is a solid canister and not mesh. I can’t find these in stock anywhere, so I’m hoping...
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