Recent content by Michelle

  1. M

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    Pot smokers are not drug addicts.
  2. M

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    Do you have CHS? If not then you have no idea what you are talking about. No disrespect intended. Most of us have been to Dr after Dr for this and had every test imaginable. I have. Had gallbladder removed. Had all body systems tested. Most doctors are uneducated about CHS but they are starting...
  3. M

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    I don't think it's necessary. You can do this without that stuff. What I do works for me until I can't stand "moderation" any more and way overindulge. Then I just start over again. It's worth it because I love marijuana in all forms for recreational and medical reasons and I don't intend on...
  4. M

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    Anxiety seems to be a trigger for me. Hard if not impossible to avoid all of the things in life that bring me stress.( I used to think my son made me sick. I always had an episode right after he would come home from college for a few days. ) Try to avoid stress whenever possible. Whatever will...
  5. M

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    I have dealt with CHS for a loooooong time. The first thing I do is try promethazine to stop it. Tablets if you figure out what's happening soon enough, or usually suppository form. If that doesn't work I use a narcotic and "knock myself out" and sleep for a long time. Most times when I wake up...
  6. M

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    There is life after CHS diagnosis. Everyone is unique, but here is my experience: When I finally figured out that my problem was CHS I quit smoking or using cannabis. I quit for 4 months and cleaned my system out. I now smoke daily again and try to keep my intake to a modest amount. I guess a...
  7. M

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    sve: I woke up and puked every morning for several years before actually coming down with full blown CHS. I insisted on having my gall bladder out to stop the acid which I then thought was making me sick. It helped for awhile and my IBS did go away.
  8. M

    Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    Do you mean that you can vape now, knowing that you have CHS? I quit smoking 4 months ago "For Good". I had smoked for 40 years and been very sick off and on for the last 10. A good doctor finally diagnosed CHS. I have recently started having one or two bong hits in the evening. I'm scared that...
  9. M

    There is life after CHS

    I agree with you 100%. Cannabis is a gift from God to us. He gave all seed bearing herbs to us in Genesis and I have that posted in my grow house. It can help many many physical and mental issues. It is just toxic to some people unfortunately. I make honey elixir to control my cat's athsma. I...
  10. M

    There is life after CHS

    Hello. And yes, it's real. It's a monster and can destroy your life as you know it. I've smoked MJ daily for 40 years. I'm 58 years old and have struggled with CHS for several years. It got worse and worse and came on more often. I had my gall bladder taken out (at my own request) had all of the...
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