Recent content by Mescalito

  1. M


    Sorry to hear that J.R.R.Tokin', mine broke while still hot also. I'm glad you were able to fix yours. I think I need to close the hole on mine a little, as I'd like to slow the draw and potentially retain the heat better, though the heat seems sufficient. I tend to draw very slowly anyway to...
  2. M


    It seems stable enough, I still set it down carefully. It's been years since I had a proper water pipe. I've been using plastic bottles with with various stems and bowls. It has worked o.k., but every time I enjoyed a hit from someones quality bong, I realized I was missing something. Mr. Orange...
  3. M


    Sorry, double post.
  4. M


    O.k., now I've looked up Rude Boy and see that it is the same pipe as you pictured OTA, the Magic Glass pipe with the heavier glass. I'm sure that was mentioned earlier in the thread. I'll bet the rude boy is a nice glass water pipe that can take some abuse. I am being careful with Mr. Orange...
  5. M


    Hi OhTheAgony, yeah, your pictures really show the difference in style of the two pipes, I guess that is the thick pipe Magic Glass sells, looks like the Rude Boy more than Mr. orange. That picture of Mr Orange is exactly what mine looks like, except mine has the slide carb. When my girlfriend...
  6. M


    Here's an update on my Vapocane and my new water pipe, Mr. Orange. I was using the Vapocane Friday in a plastic bottle, as mentioned before. I was pushing down on the middle of the bottle so the bottom of the glass would come in contact with the water. After my hit, I stopped compressing the...
  7. M


    Oh, and as you mentioned ilovebOObs- the Vapocane does seem to change shape from uneven heating. Mine leans to one side somewhat. Hard to say if it was something I didn't notice when I got it, but I looked it over well after the tip sealed. I received the large brass screens and the small...
  8. M


    Well, I used a pencil lead last night to re-open the hole on the tip of my Vapocane. It may have opened just with the direct torch flame, not sure as I had to work fast, it cooled so quickly. It works great again. Thank you all for the advice. J.R.R.Tokin', thanks for the welcome to the thread...
  9. M


    Thanks for the input OTA and TV. That is good to know about the glass sticking to metal. The pencil lead is a great idea. I don't have a pencil with me, so will have to try it this afternoon. Until then, looks like I'll be smoking. I ordered my Mr Orange from Grasscity, they have both Uk and US...
  10. M


    Thanks OhTheAgony, I have a toothpick and a metal pick that I thought I would use to try to open it once I got an orange glo on the tip. I'm going to hold off on doing that until I hear from someone who can give me advice where I don't f it up. Yeh, after looking all over at glass water pipes...
  11. M


    I received a Vapocane A over a week ago now. I ordered a nice glass water pipe (Mr. orange) from GC to go with it, but I'm still waiting for that after nearly a month and a half of waiting. Since I had no glass for my vapocane, I have been using a plastic water bottle. This has worked well for...
  12. M

    Arizer Solo

    Hi, I'm new as well and it was a search for a new vape that led me to FC. I had been reading so much good about the Solo, that I nearly bought one without reading the full thread. It seems like a great vape except for the plastic issue and strange smell. The reason I want to vape again is for...
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