Recent content by LordRandall420

  1. LordRandall420

    DCup Desktop Vaporizer by NewVape

    Word, I've moved up to 550 slowly on my Auber. It's hard to judge, as a quartz banger is easier to judge. Using Dcup currently.
  2. LordRandall420

    DCup Desktop Vaporizer by NewVape

    What is considered a LOW TEMP DAB on the Dcup?
  3. LordRandall420

    Best vaporizer for rosin???

    What temp do you prefer on the Dcup back when you used it before the Tbucket? I'm having a problem were a puddle forms in the middle or appears to be extra, do you burn it off or Q-tip it off while it is cooling down/off?
  4. LordRandall420

    Best vaporizer for rosin???

    Would a D-cup be okay for Rosin?
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