Recent content by ki4mor

  1. K

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Omg!!!! Thanks it's that so I ran down to my local Frys electronics and got another one thanks agian
  2. K

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    hello tom I have seemed to incounter a problem and I was seeing if you could add any insight as of why? As you probably know I finished and loved my pandora until today. I plugged it n and 30 min later to check on it, it was still cool. So I thought "guess it was unplugged" so I checked and the...
  3. K

    vaping and the throat test?? (Read for description)

    well thanks for the replies sense swim did that he hasn't carred bud in hid car unless coming back from ''his guy'' and when he does he hides it under a bunch of crap in the engine bay (he has been searched like 5 times and they popo have never enven thought of looking there lol modnote: Please...
  4. K

    vaping and the throat test?? (Read for description)

    okay lets just say swim has gotten pulled over while high and the cop intantly asked swim to step out of the car and to pull down his eye lids and then asked swim to open his mouth and stick out my tongue. Then looked at the back of swim's throat and apperantly said he was smoking something...
  5. K

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Hey Tom and Pammy thanks sooo much best purchasing experience EVER! just to let you know you have an extra "s" in the heat exchange instructions where it says you must end with a dark fin washer at the top of the stack and the top washer not washers lol confused me there or a bit also I will...
  6. K

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Mine came today!!!!!!!!!!!!!(more to get the point across)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D To answer it now ordered on march 21st, got my order confirmation Monday, and 2 days later (you know)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also i will post up my unpacking video showing what comes...
  7. K

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Does anyone happen to know if the waiting list is more toward the 2 or 4 week wait cause if it is 4 weeks I will not be here that whole next week for delivery :(
  8. K

    Discontinued Pandora Kit from Purple-Days

    Ordered mine a few days ago can't wait to build it. The only thing I am not sure about is if it will get here in time for spring break so I can have time to put it together. I will post a video of everything you get with the kit and the packaging when I get it sence I can't seem to find anything...
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