Recent content by JDR

  1. JDR

    Discontinued Vapolution 3.0

    I just want to say that those of you who are driving this thing at 380F and above are friggin nuts. It's all well and good if you are a way-on-it vaper who wants to get in and out of the session quickly. But, who does that? There is no way that I don't end up leaving the stem in there just a...
  2. JDR

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    So, I just impulse bought a Pax. My most recent purchase before was DB. I have to say, that unlike the fat man, this Pax is foolproof. You can really do no wrong. Greater or lesser vapor, yes. But wow, you really can't burn stuff in this thing can you.
  3. JDR

    Da Buddha

    WiseManSaying205: One cannot force da buddha to grant thee vapor... one must allow da buddha to give it unto thee. b.s. per jdr
  4. JDR

    Da Buddha

    In the short time since initial blowback occurred.. more has occurred.. but also I have refined my method. I'm getting all manual with it.. twisting it, pull it out, sticking it back in (shutup you dirty jokesters). But the main thing is, I pull the stem first and keep pulling.. as wonderful...
  5. JDR

    Da Buddha

    I think the sad lesson is you can't do it on autopilot. It's like driving, something unexpected often happens and you have to be ready for it. :) Edit: Paricularly when paired with a bubbler that has some sort of chugging back action that blows your herbs into the heater easily.
  6. JDR

    Da Buddha

    THE BIG BHUDDHA BUMMER: I've had the fat man around for a few weeks now.. long enough to have burnt bits here and there when I haven't been careful. So, I'm running the tubing into a Leviathan and have my method pretty down. Love.this.thing. Yet.. here I am, method down, at sweet heat...
  7. JDR

    Arizer Solo

    Dude, that's very sad. I'm very sorry to hear that.
  8. JDR

    Arizer Solo

    Apologies in advance for the ride the nostalgia train here for a moment. But your rig and inventiveness reminds me of a time and place long ago far away (last October) when I lost someone I cared about. I'd like to draw your attention to the Mad Scientist.. RIP... assassinated by a suicidal...
  9. JDR

    Arizer Solo

    Nice work putting this together. You are macgyver man after my own heart. I did something similar way back to try to tame the vapor coming off a solo. I'm still working on it actually.
  10. JDR

    Da Buddha

    Though I am not a religious man and would not call myself a Bhuddist... I am now a worshipper of Da Bhuddha. edit: I don't want to overstate this but this thing is the best thing ever...even better than the cure for polio. edit2: And with the Leviathan attached with the clear tubing it has...
  11. JDR

    Arizer Solo

    Hey Gobrian, when I read this, I went ahead and drilled through the center of the "X" in a PVES non-turbo GonG adapter stem I have and created a couple of air divots around the edge (mine had none). No doubt, this provides better flavor, better airflow control, quicker arrival, and lighter...
  12. JDR

    Arizer Solo

    I hadn't seen this before. Thanks for this. I'm currently using that technique with my pves stem that I drilled the bottom of the chamber out of. I have tons a pics in a post way back if anyone is interested. But this is working amazingly well. It's almost the perfect way to vape oil...
  13. JDR

    Arizer Solo

    Indeed. Either it rings a bell or it don't. ;) I should add that what I'm talking about comes into play for portability and dosage. If are out and about and don't want to pack it a bunch of times or if you want tons of vapor so that you have extra to filter out in your water piece. JDR
  14. JDR

    Arizer Solo

    Hey, since I apparently have nothing better to do than post about the solo on FC all day (not true), I thought I'd share a technique I call the the "big suck" (you come up with your own name for your own techniquie, ok?). No huge hairy operation... just suck up your preground herbs into your...
  15. JDR

    Arizer Solo

    I know. I now want a theme animal for my videos. Everyone will know me for my vapor-monkey. JDR
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