Recent content by jardel

  1. J

    Vaping with natural blends

    I don't at all... didn't even try to vaporize it.
  2. J

    Vaping with natural blends

    Hi Guys, Thanks everyone for your feedback. After 2 months using the Arizer Solo 2 I'm very happy with it and not feeling any need to smoke! :D Very good for sessions without having to spend lots of material. The only drawback is the irregular air flow. It depends a lot on how you dispose the...
  3. J

    Vaping with natural blends

    I'm so noob that I had no idea there were non battery / electronic vaporizers... :b I'm definitely gonna check those out! But then, what would you say are the advantages of the Solo 2 or the Mighty for instance, over those butane powered vaporizers? I mean in terms of vapor quality and...
  4. J

    Vaping with natural blends

    Thanks for all that info guys. Right to the point! You conviced me, i'll take out the reel leaf of the equation I see.. it is not as much device-dependent as I was puting it, and that actually makes sense. Well in the end and having my budget in account, I don't have too many more options than...
  5. J

    Vaping with natural blends

    Thanks for the tips, but they're very far away from what I want to spend in a vaporizer.. :) I've compared lot of different choices but it seems that most of the good evalutations for the vapor quality end up pointing to these two for under 200€ devices. The only other that could maybe convince...
  6. J

    Vaping with natural blends

    Hi! Thanks for your feedback! Real Leaf was actually what finally made me give up from nicotine after several years. Quite worth it honestly. :) The only reason I mention vaporizing it together with weed is specifically if having the plenty, because as far as I understood the plenty gives...
  7. J

    Vaping with natural blends

    Hi guys, I've stopped smoking cannabis one month ago, and want to switch to the vaping world. After reading plenty of information, I still have some doubs that the community here may help me clarify. I'm not sure if to buy the Plenty or the Arizer Solo 2. From what I've read, it seems like the...
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