Recent content by Gigsabits57

  1. Gigsabits57

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I like those! I will have to get one for sure.
  2. Gigsabits57

    Underdog Log Vapes

    That is a beautiful pup!! Enjoy!
  3. Gigsabits57

    NFC looking for cbd

    Just ordered the same thing. I have never tried CBD flower before, so I'm curious.
  4. Gigsabits57

    COVID-19 News

    A pathetic failure of leadership in one graph. So telling.
  5. Gigsabits57

    What do you have?/What would you replace?

    Five years ago if anyone had told me I would have as many vapes as I do, wouldn't of believed it. Fortunately for me, I found this site after my 1st vape purchase, which was a Boundless CFX. The CFX is not a bad vape but let's just say FC set me straight after that. What I have that I would...
  6. Gigsabits57

    Herb Grinders

    This is what I love about this place! Such a great community helping each other. :) :)
  7. Gigsabits57

    Differences between log vapes.

    I would say all those log vapes are great. I like Underdog because of the stem options and their customer service is excellent. They take care of you if you have a problem. I have no experience with Ed's or any of the others mentioned. I dont recall seeing a bad review of any of them.
  8. Gigsabits57

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I have had this one on my radar for a while. I love Grav's stuff! :)
  9. Gigsabits57

    Musicians. What instruments do you play?

    Damn guys, I was just going to begin my search for a new guitar and now I find out we may have possible pay cuts coming. It's always something:/
  10. Gigsabits57

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    I used to always load a full scoop, roughly .1 and take it in one hit, thus I have been going through weed rapidly. Been experimenting today with half scoop bowls and I'm getting some very nice hits. I'm going to keep at it and maybe I can start stretching my weed further. One problem I can...
  11. Gigsabits57

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    I typically use my VROD at 650ish and fill the scoop to the brim, long, somewhat slower draw. If you do it right the hits are massive, and they really should be if you use a full scoop. That is about the max I can take in one hit, YMMV :)
  12. Gigsabits57

    Ultrasonic cleaner recomendation

    Very informative, thank you! I'm going to give it a try with my UC. I have only used mine once with just plain tap water. I have PBW and Dawn so will give this a try.
  13. Gigsabits57

    Custom 3D printed Widgets - Delta 3D Studios

    Oh yeah, I will be purchasing some new stands from you for sure! Cant wait to see them!
  14. Gigsabits57

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    That experimentation is the fun part. Enjoy your new vape :)
  15. Gigsabits57

    Custom 3D printed Widgets - Delta 3D Studios

    I dont know what I would do without my vape spitoon form Delta 3D. Its a must have for my log vape especially.
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