Recent content by Ghostxyz3

  1. Ghostxyz3

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Not specifically for the FM, but Puffitup gives 15% off your entire purchase. Also I hear Randy will price match but I have no experience with that.
  2. Ghostxyz3

    Trying to switch to vaping...

    You could turn your vape as high as it will go for a feeling closer to combustion, however I think the major thing here is going to be getting accustomed to the feeling and effects of vapor. It's much different than smoking, and when I first started vaping I was underwhelmed by it. However...
  3. Ghostxyz3

    Arizer Solo

    Thanks for the welcome, it's a cool club to be in! :tup: And now that you mention it, I've been thinking about a small bubbler for it...does the D020 come in 14mm as well? That's the size of my adapter.
  4. Ghostxyz3

    Arizer Solo

    I use an F-Bomb with my Solo on levels 5 and up and it's very smooth. It can still be a little harsh but it's much cooler than dry. It can get me very medicated without noticing how much I've taken in, so be careful! The F-Bomb also comes in 18mm, but I have it in 14mm. Also I use an O-ring to...
  5. Ghostxyz3

    The Arizer Air

    Ah, I just figured they had actually sold out haha. I think I remember reading that now that you mention it.
  6. Ghostxyz3

    The Arizer Air

    Puffitup has them for the same price as Arizer.
  7. Ghostxyz3

    β-Myrcene in high purity for a reasonable price anywhere?

    I've tried this with mango juice/smoothies before and I think it was more than a placebo, but it was only slightly effective. I'd say a real mango is better. Also I've heard lemongrass extract has way more myrcene than mangoes.
  8. Ghostxyz3

    solo temp for head buzz

    I also use my Solo at 4 for this effect. Plus I believe level 5 is 200 C (older models only?) where benzene is released and I'd like to avoid that as well. I like to set it to 4 and let it sit for 2 minutes or so, then pop the stem in for around 20 seconds or until I can smell weed coming from it.
  9. Ghostxyz3

    The Arizer Air

    Well, each session is 10 minutes so you can assume around 5 or 6 sessions with a 1 hour charge. Also the ability to have charged batteries ready to go means it would last a few hours of continuous use.
  10. Ghostxyz3

    The Arizer Air

    I usually wait a while for electronics anyways so that any kinks can get worked out.
  11. Ghostxyz3

    The Arizer Air

    Awesome! I'll definitely have to get this if reviews come out good. Also I bet if we wait for other retailers to carry them we could let lower prices.
  12. Ghostxyz3

    Need A VAPE That Actually Performs Correctly.

    I actually prefer my AVB lighter brown to make edibles with. Would the normal one be better for this? I just bought a PVHEGonG and the F Bomb and I'm just wondering if I should get a different adapter. I'm not sure about USA made, but the Solo is 100% made in Canada
  13. Ghostxyz3

    Need A VAPE That Actually Performs Correctly.

    I'm also gonna have to recommend the Solo. I've had mine for a little over a year and I like it more than ever. I've even dropped it on cement and knocked it over numerous times. I'm on my second pair of stems but the vape itself is fine except for a little chip in the top corner. Any reason...
  14. Ghostxyz3

    PVHES/PVHEGonG Availability Thread

    They were out of stock on most things yesterday, went to check today and everything's back in stock! Just ordered the PVHEGonG + F Bomb 14mm combo. Can't wait for it to get here!
  15. Ghostxyz3

    "Getting Doug With High"

    My only gripe with the show is the lack of info Doug and the guests seem to know about weed. I can understand the guests, but I would think Doug smokes enough to where he would be a bit more knowledgable. Other than that I love seeing some of my favorite comedians get baked and have fun.
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