Recent content by EnjoyYourOrange

  1. EnjoyYourOrange

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Picked up a new flower tube recently. Hadn't gotten around to putting my UD through it cause I didn't know whether it would be able to milk such a large chamber. I shouldn't have worried :dog:
  2. EnjoyYourOrange

    Underdog Log Vapes

    The new gong stems look super sweet, definitely need to pick some up. Guess I'll have to tough it out with silicone for the time being :dog:
  3. EnjoyYourOrange

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hey guys question for anyone who may know: with the clear jars Dave sends out with the ud, how much abv does that roughly hold? Scale happens to be on the fritz
  4. EnjoyYourOrange

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hey Dave, there seems to be something wrong with my UD :uhoh: Out of nowhere the temperature it has been decreasing over the last day and now it's stopped heating up altogether. though i suppose it could be the charger itself? any way for me to check that?
  5. EnjoyYourOrange

    Underdog Log Vapes

    oh man! I got my UD and just went through a stem and am just sitting here, so happy with my purchase! Thanks Dave!
  6. EnjoyYourOrange

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Thanks for the kind welcome, and I sure will. I'd like to point out that this thread is a major reason I went with UD, nice to join a helpful community.
  7. EnjoyYourOrange

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Just put in my order for an ash twig, couldn't be more excited!
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