Recent content by ENCRYPT3DBR0K3R


    Just bought a Puffco Peak...just took my first rip...I have some questions

    If thats the case then the chart Akito posted above makes no sense as it says "dabbing" and talks about combustion at 600-900. You say no matter what its vape? many people saying different things all over the net. I am hearing if you dab above 500 you are releasing Benzene. Is this true?

    Just bought a Puffco Peak...just took my first rip...I have some questions

    Yes, the settings go as follows: LOW (Blue): 450 MEDIUM(Green): 500 HIGH(Red): 550 PEAK(White): 600

    Just bought a Puffco Peak...just took my first rip...I have some questions

    Hey everyone, I am new to this forum. Have been a lurker for many years. This was long over due. I have been an on and off vape guy. I own a Volcano digit vape.. usually smoke joints though. I recently decided to quit smoking and dabbing all together. Have been dabbing with a torch and nail for...
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