Recent content by Edi

  1. E

    What are your lungs like?

    I have mild asthma that is triggered by the weather. Right now I'm going through that "trigger", and I am coughing a lot. A: I vape once to twice a week, and only about 3 - 4 draws out of my Solo each time. B: I feel like I have a really tight chest the next day, and I feel like my lungs are...
  2. E Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    It's my first time posting here on FC (after 2 weeks of giving up my life to it), and my first time ordering a vaporizer. I ordered the MFLB from PIU, only to find out SECONDS after that the Solo was on sale for $160... so I emailed Randy and asked if I could switch the order (I have asthma...
  3. E


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