Recent content by DriftYo///M3

  1. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Same bruh :\ such a let down, all this time I've been waiting for it to ship and be here, at least before the end of the Summer, but this is now edging on early fall. I'm going to be even more crestfallen if it's not here in the first dates of August.
  2. DriftYo///M3

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Quite, however the team's communications can't exactly be described as direct, and down to earth now can they?
  3. DriftYo///M3

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I feel like this may be more dependent upon the specific characteristics of the flower you're vaping. Things like moisture content, curing process, potency, strain type, what kind of plant it is - Indica or Sativa, et al factors may have more to do with the flavor and how long it lasts. Just...
  4. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    Yes that video has been around for quite some time, like you mentioned, although this is not quite what I meant; it does not accurately depict vapor volume as there is too much flow in the system by the vacuum pump, which they should have set a tad lower in that vid, IMO, I guess they were just...
  5. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    @BuzzDanklin @Just Justin I believe I speak for most of the FC members in this thread, in that we would enjoy more demo videos of the Grasshopper in action. Yes I'm well aware that I just mentioned this not 5 posts prior, however, I would like to clarify and elaborate on this idea, and...
  6. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    Hah, some video. That's more of a gif with sound, or .webm ;) For real tho, why not entertain the people a bit, Buzz? You hold a certain position of power, actualize it to at least some of its potential - do some experimental videos, maybe something like the initial review with your...
  7. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    I agree, this does seem like a new and creative alternative to the meshes, which have their own set of issues, like you said, and am now curious about potential applications. Do you think that with the GHV, or even the Crafty/Mighty, one could apply concentrate to this wick to replace the pads...
  8. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    I would like to draw this discussion away from speculation about order numbers and potential shipping dates, instead to talk about the actual vaporizer for a minute. In particular, its potential to use concentrates in stock configuration, with the standard mouthpiece that will ship with it. As...
  9. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    I have been following this tread quite closely and have a few questions to @BuzzDanklin now, How has your experience with the GHV been so far? With your access to such a large variety of quailty vaporizers where does the GHV fit in? How has your day to day experience with it been thus far...
  10. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    @-francois- There is plastic (albeit thermosafe, biomedical w/e) in all them S&B Crafty's, Mighty's, Volcanoes; Arizer Air/Solo etc. AFAIK this does not have that, it's all metal, something they were very proud of, as that material choice contributes to a lifetime of use.
  11. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    Brah I know, of course I know this is a real thing, you can't fake something this well. Here's to an awesome vape, and the best one yet! *raises vodka shot* nazdarovya - на здоровье cyka! @Ratchett Ok, google evolution exit scam, it comes down to this, why spend so much on generating bitcoin...
  12. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    There are easier ways of scamming people, just look at the Evolution Dark net market, the admins just closed it down and made off with tons of other's bitcoin. But yes the update can't come soon enough!!
  13. DriftYo///M3

    The Grasshopper

    @BuzzDanklin What is the difference between the screens? Is the production one finer or allows better airflow or something like that? Also I'm not too sure if this has been asked directly in the thread yet, but are they working on the concentrates mouth piece? Have you tried a prototype...
  14. DriftYo///M3

    Waxing 'n Paxing

    Waxing 'n Paxing
  15. DriftYo///M3

    Drifting dat e92 boi

    Drifting dat e92 boi
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