Recent content by Djflipnautikz

  1. Djflipnautikz

    What would you recommend for this style of vaping...

    So here is the situation. I own a SSV and love it. I quit combusting because of this Site. So now the only problem I have is the constant stirring. My nightly routine is to pack a bowl for me and my wife in our bed watching tv. Currently I have to put the ssv on a tray next to the bed and my...
  2. Djflipnautikz

    Solo, Pax or wait for Inhalater Xp...

    Well I went and bought the Pax. Feel pretty disappointed. It smells like a pound while warming up. My No2 doesnt smell while warming up. I found myself using my NO2 this weekend instead of the pax.
  3. Djflipnautikz

    Solo, Pax or wait for Inhalater Xp...

    Ok so it has probably asked before but I was looking for a few specific details relating all 3 which I couldnt find. So what I am looking for in my portable vape: 1. Able to medicate quickly and effectively - I currently own a NO2 and although serves its purpose, it takes me quite a few bowls...
  4. Djflipnautikz

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Thanks guys for the help. Yea the A/C is Really nice. A Bong is on the list. I have one that has a rubber grommet though. so i need an upgrade. I use warm water every once in a while. it is awesome, def better than cold or ice IMO. but just room temp in my A/C is pretty nice. i just don't like...
  5. Djflipnautikz

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Hey Fellow SSVers. Been looking around and reading alot. You guys are awesome and led me to my first plug-in vape. I was looking for my first vape and was on my local CL and saw a guy selling one for $100. While researching i found my self on this website. I took the chance and bought it. The...
  6. Djflipnautikz

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Hello FC Community, Greeting from South Florida Here. Have been lurking around for a few months now and decided it was time to sign up. You guys have helped me alot. So to tell you a little bit about how i found out about this forum. I have for the last 10 years been combusting. And my...
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