Recent content by DatFire

  1. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Huh, yeah that's interesting. At 590 the halo worked but with too much oil left over (for me). I can go into the upper 400s on the Liger with similar results. Do you wipe up much oil? I know some folks differ on the acceptable amount of oil left over. I'm only happy if there's nothing on the qtip.
  2. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    No, there are defective 20 buckets that prevent the storm from sealing. At least that's the latest story I was told. Oops double post
  3. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I'm not the first person to make that claim. Nor am I an engineer or a scientist, so I can't give a technical gobbldy goo explaination. The Liger 20 retains more heat bc of all the extra Ti. That heat gets released during a D. The Halo only has the dish and coil to retain heat. Once the dish...
  4. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    When I first got on this train, I was looking for an upgrade from a Sic Halo. The 30 wasn't it. The 20 is the real ticket ONLY with a proper cap. Not that 5 lb space needle bs or that 2 lb piston nonsense. Glass is better anyway bc of the view. BTW the idab terp turner is more restrictive than...
  5. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I'm truly sorry that other folks had a similar experience to myself. Had I not got so GD mad earlier maybe people would have taken my words more seriously. That being said, I ain't here to burn the guy down. I mean fix yer s@#$ bra, but... but... The 20 with a good cap is hands down the most...
  6. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I'm not going to sell someone my defective stuff. I might be harsh as steel wool, but that's Lannister low.
  7. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    That's ridiculous. It's a $300-600 nail adverised as the pinacle of vaporization. You think I'm a dishonest troll crying a pool of tears for thinking that? I gave an honest review of the CCA items I recieved, and one person after another has tried to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking...
  8. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    He's suggesting that everyone with a problem is either stupid or ignorant. Yeah that's being nice. The dude posts one misleadung review after another for a company that rolled out a product before it was ready. But that's cool.
  9. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    LOL yeah I've never used an enail and I don't think! No wonder it don't work ;) If only I was smart like you, the threads would fix themselves, the caps would fit, the stars would align, and alas CCA would answer an email. First the 20mm was the greatest nail ever invented, now OMG it's the...
  10. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Man every time someone critizes this product a whole crew of people show up to defend it. It's getting a little shilly in here :bowdown::shit: :wave:
  11. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    After I finally, finally, finally got all my orders, I'd hoped to come back and post a stellar review. I actually felt bad for being harsh. But after having the products in hand, I don't feel the least bit bad. The 20mm SiC worked great with the hurricane. I stretched/tightened the coil. Temps...
  12. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    No, usually an email works, and I dont have to join a forum to get information about my order. Also I've never had an order be over a month late with no response from the seller. Their choice not mine to do customer service here. mrbonsai420 just told me a few posts ago that the Betas do...
  13. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    Gmail does filter try to make a new accont.
  14. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    I already emailed about my order, very politely, several times and got no response. I had to make a new email account with a provider I don't trust (because gmail rejects everything from [sic] and other places with known security problems) to join a forum that I never wanted to be a part of so I...
  15. DatFire

    CCA Liger banger V3.0

    A firehose of excuses. Man obviously the bucket parts that get directly heated will change color. Obviously there will be variation in the rainbow. But that variation is HUGE. Some look great and some look like botched easter eggs. Why not fix the issue instead of minimizing people's concerns...
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