Recent content by Crono

  1. C

    Suspiciously clear "THC" vape juice

    Apologies for necroing the thread, but I need to for anyone that comes across this googling; there isn’t too much info online. Still not 100% sure what that stuff was, but my friends friend had 3 seizures and almost died had he not been in the ambience when he stopped breathing. So safe to say...
  2. C

    Suspiciously clear "THC" vape juice

    Thanks for your input guys. Much appreciated! I have seen synthetic cannabinoids (google image search) that are also white crystalline, thinking about it, a lot of molecules are colourless but small enough to scatter light of all wavelengths and so be white, but I digress. He gave it to me...
  3. C

    Suspiciously clear "THC" vape juice

    Thanks for the swift replies. @archangelz001 Thought as much, thanks. And yea, not too keen on smoking mystery fluid either, at least if it was the right colour I could feign ignorance to myself, as was the original plan. @TheThriftDrifter Was debating whether to start this thread in the...
  4. C

    Suspiciously clear "THC" vape juice

    Hi everyone at FuckCombustion forums. *** Bottom line, I got this suspiciously clear (colourless & cloudy) and I am wondering if it is synthetic. *** <Story> This is long enuf as it is, so I'll get to the point. I live in the UK where Cannabis has been...
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