Recent content by ChicagoVapoKing

  1. C

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Thanks for the responses, you guys are quick! I'm hoping it does get fixed and I did contact the oem. The reviews are great, that's why I bought it. I'm shocked it doesn't work. 2 rolls, 5 rolls eh it's damn heavy and it does resemble a dildo. Anyone have a battery fix? Or a way to test if its...
  2. C

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    I've never been more dissapointed with a product! The truth.... This thing is like carrying 5 roles of quarters around, in other words its so heavyy pants fall off! The battery is garbage, the unit is a nice paper weight, it won't hear up at all! It's never worked! If this company doesn't issue...
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