Recent content by Cdub73

  1. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    The above quote is the reason why I expected to be able to participate before distributors. The way I read it was that FC pre-registers would be first, then pre-sales from GV. Am I crazy??? Anyhow I have been very patient. I went as far as purchasing a Yelp coupon directly for DV and I am still...
  2. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    The above quote is the reason why I expected to be able to participate before distributors. The way I read it was that FC pre-registers would be first, then pre-sales from GV. Am I crazy??? Anyhow I have been very patient. I went as far as purchasing a Yelp coupon directly for DV and I am...
  3. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I do not know if I have the whole story, but how did GotVape gain access to the ascent before pre-registrants like myself. I know I wasn't the first in line, but I thought we would have priority. I apologize if I missed something here, but I have been axiously awaiting this vape for nearly 6...
  4. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    I don't know... It sounds to me like DV built the factory from the ground up. I am not sure where their factory is...
  5. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    Since the delays are too much for you, then please move onto the next vape. I believe DV has been very upfront about taking on their own manufacturing rather than outsourcing to China like most vape manufacturers. This in itself is enough for me to wait. I'm tired of sending my money where...
  6. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thanks for the feedback WakeNVape. I'll give that a try. My original reason for posting was simply to say that I am happy to wait for a completed product. The ascent appears to be what I have been looking for in a vape. Sorry to get so side tracked..
  7. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Without starting a rant here, the following is my opinion with regards to the Pax: The mouthpiece is soaked regularly and I still have sticking problems. A pipe cleaner is not doing the trick. Sometimes I cannot even find the "sweet spot" ( mouthpiece position) to turn the Pax on. I have to open...
  8. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I bought the voucher anyhow. I'm not concerned about the free gift as much as saving money. It has been great to follow all the reviews! I'm even more excited now than ever before to own this revolutionary vape. It's very refreshing to know the folks at Organicx are waiting to get this...
  9. Cdub73

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    I have been lurking here for a while as well. I am very willing to be patient for what I believe to be an excellent vape, but I hadn't really thought to speak up before I read Nano's post. I should prequalify the following statement with the fact that I had tried to purchase from GV twice with...
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