Recent content by cav

  1. C


    on my classic VG there is an orange buildup (flint dust?) on the filter that i cannot remove. i tried burning it with a torch lighter and the hot water method, no luck... anybody know a solution? maybe i need to vacuum it
  2. C


    Well i know the flint dust is expelled when you ignite the bic lighter and i guess that's what is also causing the filter to be orange, the flint dust. but i am igniting it away almost always away from the bowl and the filter still seems to have a orange color to it on the side where you lay the...
  3. C


    -does anyone know if using a bic lighter is okay even if you light it away from the bowl? -and how do you get rid of the red/orange tint of the filter? im not sure why its still orange, i tried pouring hot water on it to get it off, it didn't work.
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