Recent content by Bourbon Kid

  1. Bourbon Kid

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    So I tried again last night, with like 2/3rd of a bowl, the liquid pad, and 375F this time. Had 3 big clouds, then 1 or 2 "normal" clouds and then no more clouds. I got the itchy throat for the first 2 hits, which is a good thing I guess. Still don't know about those guys saying they got clouds...
  2. Bourbon Kid

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Totally agree. Came close not going at all today. Gonna keep thinking about what's wrong with the vape all day :\
  3. Bourbon Kid

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I'm going to try again tonight after work, with temps a bit higher. I like to keep it low cause it's supposed to be free of those carcinogen stuff. I guess I'm just not used to it ! The effects are here but just felt weird that the vapor density wasn't at all what I expected (actually a few...
  4. Bourbon Kid

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Mmmmm, I guess I'm trying to hard ? I mean on the Air you have to inhale hard cause like biohacker said it's condution. I doing pretty much the same thing with the Crafty. With the Air, when the chamber is packed and I take a huuuge hit, I can feel it in my throat you know, it feels kinda itchy...
  5. Bourbon Kid

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Haha, touché ! Thanks for your quick answer. So I guess I gotta get use to it... I usually vaped at 180°C/356°F on the Air, and did the same for the Crafty. Don't really like high temp, I keep it low.
  6. Bourbon Kid

    Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Got my new crafty today. Already got an Arizer Air, which I love. So disappointed with the Crafty... Where are the huge clouds everyone is talking about ?! For the same amount of bud, my Air delivers thicker and way more clouds than the Crafty. I can have two 10 minutes cloudy sessions with...
  7. Bourbon Kid

    à part ça, vous vaporisez quoi?

    Je l'avais fait ;)
  8. Bourbon Kid

    à part ça, vous vaporisez quoi?

    Bonjour à tous, je viens de faire l’acquisition d'un Arizer Air (mon 1er vapo !) Pour le moment je ne l'ai pas testé beaucoup mais il a l'air performant. J'aimerais le tester avec plus d'herbes, connaissez-vous des sites internet qu'il faut privilégier pour une commande en ligne ? Ou le mieux...
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