Recent content by BlueRidgeGreen

  1. BlueRidgeGreen

    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to share a quick first impression after receiving my pre-release imp yesterday. I only have a crappy old kbox mini mod, but have still been getting excellent results in power mode from 16-26w with my coil reading at 0.3ohms. It was initially reading 0.2ohms, but after...
  2. BlueRidgeGreen

    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    Just ordered my Imp pre-release a little while ago, can't wait!
  3. BlueRidgeGreen

    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    Thanks for the reply guys. Has anyone tried using a rimmed screen as the "lid" screen for slightly easier removal without the need for any tools? Or would the rim of the screen sitting on the outside of the stem cause issues with how the stem fits inside the imp?
  4. BlueRidgeGreen

    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    Hello! Does anyone know if using a rimmed screen (like the top to an Evo ELB) would work for the two-screen method with the imp?
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