Recent content by Blu

  1. Blu

    Phattpiggies Wood Shed

    Wow that kack handed twist looks amazing PP, can't wait to get my hands on it and give it a twirl! I got my skelly last week, so when my mini turns up in few months. I think I also will be contacting you to get my skelly sent over for one of your beautiful enclosures for it!
  2. Blu

    Phattpiggies Wood Shed

    Wow that kack handed twist looks amazing PP, can't wait to get my hands on it and give it a twirl! I got my skelly last week, so when my mini turns up in few months. I think I also will be contacting you to get my skelly sent over for one of your beautiful enclosures for it!
  3. Blu

    Phattpiggies Wood Shed

    Really liking the look of these ti inserts, should insure a perfect fit for life of stem
  4. Blu

    Phattpiggies Wood Shed

    Same here, making me want to get an IH now
  5. Blu

    Dynavap VapCap

  6. Blu

    Dynavap VapCap

    @Squiby I've been using your pad idea for rosin and it works great thanks but I now have a black layer on top of it! How do you clean your liquid pads, torch them / Iso bath or just bin it and start a fresh one?
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