Recent content by BK420

  1. BK420

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Let me know my web cam is kinda crappy but we can take it to PMs for some Skype. I took a handful of pics without the heater cover and of the heater cover itself and of my ABV from my pax and SSV in different bags. I get great pulls no doubt but at max power with a slow pull I didn't expect...
  2. BK420

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I have the standard glass. I am a chronic stirrer usually after each pull while I breathe, I hit it until it tastes like vinyl tubing. I doesn't taste the same at the end as my Pax. I use the Pax on medium and at the end I get the burnt popcorn taste. I will push the heater cover all the way...
  3. BK420

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Got my new SSV a week ago and so far I like it. I have questions though. My ABV is only light green / golden. I let it heat up for 15-20 before at max power. It maxes out at lets say 5:30 on the dial and I turn it down to 3 and have tried it at max power and it doesn't make a big difference...
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